What is the National Farmland Trust? 

We are a NOT FOR PROFIT organisation which is trying to prevent the loss of farmland, countryside and wildlife habitats, our food source within the UK. 

What is it the National Farmland Trust wants to achieve? 

We are trying to protect as much farmland and as many farms as possible, to help provide the food that our ever growing population requires and to stop the UK becoming totally food dependant on other countries, in order to retain the UKs ability to provide food for its population from its own farmland with a sustainable local supply. 

How will you achieve this? 

By raising money through membership and donations, we will purchase farms and land for the substainable growing of our food crops to feed our population, food to feed the generations to come, our children and their children. 

Why are you a trust and not a charity? 

Should the children not be of age, or partner able to take on the farm or its duties, the farm would be kept in trust for them to take over at a later date if so desired. 
Our position being to protect farmland for food production, and protect wildlife habitats, Not to remove people from farms, we are not here to make money from doing so, or our actions, and therefore decided to remain a trust, although this position may change, should the law on what can be seen as charitable, change in the future 
So if you have a farm or land you want to know is safe for your forbears, now and into the future, talk to the trust, farms with stipulations are accepted. 
We recently spoke to a gentleman who wished for his homebred herd of cattle and prefix to remain with the farm, the cattle were not the problem, but we were unsure if we could take over his prefix, with it, being registered to him personally, and this matter is being looked into, and an outcome sort. 
It is also worth adding the wording [ should the trust fail to exist or go against the terms and conditions recorded here, the property shall be returned to the donators forbears ] as previously stated, we are not here to personly gain property or make money, but to protect UK farmland, for food production. 
We often refer to ourselves as a holding company for UK farmland, making sure it remains farmland, which prevents our farms and countryside from disappearing, under bricks and concrete, so if you are considering retiring, selling up, or giving up, speak to the trust, give us the opportunity to purchase your land at market value. 
What's the catch, ...... It could take us up to two years to be able to raise the monies required for the purchase, so don't leave it to your last moments with your consent, we would hold open days at the farm/ run campaigns to raise the funds, and work with you to make sure your farm stays a food-producing part of your community into the foreseeable future we do not charge for our services, so if you would like to discuss the future of your farm/land, why not give us a call, or message us to arrange a visit. 
Help us make it possible for others to undertake the food production that our country requires. 

Who will own the farms and land? 

The farms and land purchased by the trust, will be owned by our membership [the general public] held in trust for future generations. [the land and farms donated / given/ willed to the trust, cannot be sold, traded, or given it will remain farmland protected to grow food forever, food to feed our population, food to feed the generations to come. [this land can only be removed from the trusts possession, by compulsory purchase] 
[which would be contested] 

What would you do with the land and farms you purchase? 

The land and farms bought by the trust, will be let out to farmers, who will produce crops and food for our population. Under NFT guidance these farms will continue to supply the food that our population requires. Farms with suitable access and amenities will be opened to the public 
[National Farmland Trust open farms and farm shops. 

Why is it so expensive to become a member of the national farmland trust? 

Our membership fees are inline with other organisations such as English Heritage and The National Trust, but farmland is expensive and it takes about 100 members to buy every acre of Farmland, that will provide our food for hundreds of years. 
£100 from every membership goes directly into Land/Farm purchase, which then becomes farmland protected for future generations. 
Only £20 is used for administration or legal fees, so by becoming a member you are helping to purchase and protect a small piece of land which is then held under the Trust's care, protecting it for all generations to come. 

What are the benefits of being a member? 

As a member you will be helping to protect the UK's food source! 
Your membership gives you FREE ENTRY to all open days and events plus DISCOUNTS ON PRODUCE, PICK YOUR OWN CROPS etc,. You can MEET THE ANIMALS, follow the FARM TRAILS, see the crops from seed to harvest. 
RIDE ROUND THE FIELDS ON OUR TRACTOR AND TRAILER RIDES There will also be free or discounted admission to any educational courses run by the Trust and other supporting attractions and events as displayed on our facebook page or website. 
Free entry into a prize draw to win ONE WEEKS FARM HOLIDAY FOR UP TO SIX PEOPLE ON A NATIONAL FARMLAND TRUST OWNED FARM PROPERTY [this is not available yet, but should be available soon] 
£100.00 out of every membership goes directly into land purchase! 

What does the National Farmland Trust spend it's donations on? 

The Trust uses small donations to pay bills for things such as advertising costs, running costs, building repairs & improvements, fencing, etc. Should you wish your donation to be used for a specific cause/item please state this at the time of making your donation, or contact us by email as soon as possible. 

Who can rent a farm or land from the National Farmland Trust ? 

Anyone who is a member can apply to rent a farm/land from the Trust. The property will be advertised on our website as and when they become available following the completion of any required improvement works. Members are then invited to view the property and apply for the tenancy. The property is then allocated to them under Trust rules and supervision, to grow/provide food for the UK's population. 

What is the National Farmland Trust? 

We are a NOT FOR PROFIT organisation which is trying to prevent the loss of farmland, countryside and wildlife habitats, our food source within the UK. 

What is it the National Farmland Trust wants to achieve? 

We are trying to protect as much farmland and as many farms as possible, to help provide the food that our ever growing population requires and to stop the UK becoming dependant upon food from other countries. 

How will you achieve this? 

By raising money through membership and donations, we will purchase farms and land for the substainable growing of our food crops to feed our population, food to feed the generations to come, our children and their children. 

Who will own the farms and land? 

The farms and land purchased by the trust, will be owned by our membership [the general public] held in trust for future generations. [the land and farms donated / given/ willed to the trust, cannot be sold, traded, or given it will remain farmland protected to grow food forever, food to feed our population, food to feed the generations to come. [this land can only be removed from the trusts possession, by compulsory purchase] 
[which would be contested] 

What would you do with the land and farms you purchase? 

The land and farms bought by the trust, will be let out to farmers, who will produce crops and food for our population. Under NFT guidance these farms will continue to supply the food that our population requires. Farms with suitable access and amenities will be opened to the public 
[National Farmland Trust open farms and farm shops. 

Why is it so expensive to become a member of the national farmland trust? 

Our membership fees are inline with other organisations such as English Heritage and The National Trust, but farmland is expensive and it takes about 100 members to buy every acre of Farmland, that will provide our food for hundreds of years. 
£100 from every membership goes directly into Land/Farm purchase, which then becomes farmland protected for future generations. 
Only £20 is used for administration or legal fees, so by becoming a member you are helping to purchase and protect a small piece of land which is then held under the Trust's care, protecting it for all generations to come. 

What are the benefits of being a member? 

As a member you will be helping to protect the UK's food source! 
Your membership gives you FREE ENTRY to all open days and events plus DISCOUNTS ON PRODUCE, PICK YOUR OWN CROPS etc,. You can MEET THE ANIMALS, follow the FARM TRAILS, see the crops from seed to harvest. 
RIDE ROUND THE FIELDS ON OUR TRACTOR AND TRAILER RIDES There will also be free or discounted admission to any educational courses run by the Trust and other supporting attractions and events as displayed on our facebook page or website. 
Free entry into a prize draw to win ONE WEEKS FARM HOLIDAY FOR UP TO SIX PEOPLE ON A NATIONAL FARMLAND TRUST OWNED FARM PROPERTY [this is not available yet, but should be available soon] 
£100.00 out of every membership goes directly into land purchase! 

What does the National Farmland Trust spend it's donations on? 

The Trust uses small donations to pay bills for things such as advertising costs, running costs, building repairs & improvements, fencing, etc. Should you wish your donation to be used for a specific cause/item please state this at the time of making your donation, or contact us by email as soon as possible. 

Who can rent a farm or land from the National Farmland Trust ? 

Anyone who is a member can apply to rent a farm/land from the Trust. The property will be advertised on our website as and when they become available following the completion of any required improvement works. Members are then invited to view the property and apply for the tenancy. The property is then allocated to them under Trust rules and supervision, to grow/provide food for the UK's population. 

Why are you a trust and not a charity 

When we were setting up the trust in 2019, we dealt with a solicitor with a background in these matters, Wriggleys in Leeds, who informed us that, accepting land or farms, with the intention of allowing the present owner or their future forbears to occupy it, was not, and would not, be seen as charitable, preventing us, registering as a charity, as a trust set up to protect farmland, we need to be able to offer, farmers, land owners the safety and security of knowing, that if anything unexpected or untold would happen to them in their life, their family, would still have the right of occupation, and employment, without the risk of the farm being sold off. 
Should the children not be of age, or partner able to take on the farm or its duties, the farm would be kept in trust for them to take over at a later date if so desired. 
Our position being to protect farmland for food production, and protect wildlife habitats, Not to remove people from farms, we are not here to make money from doing so, or our actions, and therefore decided to remain a trust, although this position may change, should the law on what can be seen as charitable, change in the future 
So if you have a farm or land you want to know is safe for your forbears, now and into the future, talk to the trust, farms with stipulations are accepted, 
We recently spoke to a gentleman who wished for his homebred herd of cattle and prefix to remain with the farm, the cattle were not the problem, but we were unsure if we could take over his prefix, with it, being registered to him personally, and this matter is being looked into, and an outcome sort. 
It is also worth adding the wording [ should the trust fail to exist or go against the terms and conditions recorded here, the property shall be returned to the donators forbears ] as previously stated, we are not here to personly gain property or make money, but to protect UK farmland, for food production. 
We often refer to ourselves as a holding company for UK farmland, making sure it remains farmland, which prevents our farms and countryside from disappearing, under bricks and concrete, 
So if you are considering retiring, selling up, or giving up, speak to the trust, give us the opportunity to purchase your land at market value, 
What's the catch, ...... It could take us up to two years to be able to raise the monies required for the purchase, so don't leave it to your last moments 
with your consent, we would hold open days at the farm/ run campaigns to raise the funds, and work with you to make sure your farm stays a food-producing part of your community into the foreseeable future we do not charge for our services, so if you would like to discuss the future of your farm/land, why not give us a call, or message us to arrange a visit 
Help us, make it possible for others to undertake the production of the food our country requires